Principal's Message

An educational institution has the immense responsibility of shaping the future citizens of this world. With over 55 years of experience in imparting knowledge, skills and ethics Sacred Heart Convent Sr.Sec.School , Jagadhri has always fulfilled this responsibility with the immense blessings of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Founded in 1966 as a minority Christian Institution, managed by the Sisters of the Destitute who follow the footsteps of Jesus the compassionate , Sacred Heart has remained steadfast in its goal of providing a balanced and comprehensive education to the children of the twin City, Jagadhri and Yamuna Nagar.

With a grateful heart I quote the Psalmist-
“I thank You Lord with all my heart I sing praises to You, I face Your holy temple, bow down and praise Your name because of Your constant love and faithfulness You answered me when I called to You with Your strength You strengthened me.” (Psalm 138: 1-3)

We, endeavour to empower our students from varied backgrounds and with different skill sets and talents, focuses on equity, inclusion and nurturing diversity. The professional and personal growth of our students which we witness in the transformation that they undergo during their time here is truly rewarding.

One of our core values is faith in God. Faith is confidence in what we have and assurance in what we do not see. In these times of change, we continue to strive, unafraid to trust the unknown future to a known God. I pray that we continue to learn, to care, to love, to forgive, to understand, to accept and honour the uniqueness of each person and celebrate this precious gift of life with one another.

My dear staff and students may God always favour us and lead us by His light. May He enkindle the light of hope in us. With deep faith in God, self and humankind, may we be awakened to the humanity within; to be sensitive citizens who can dare to care; to be the voice of the voiceless and to make a significant difference. May He grant us a generous heart to share what we have and live in harmony and peace. Let him give us the strength to build a society of committed citizens who are empowered to empower as we strive for TRUTH and SERVICE.

For the parents worried about how to deal with a child who is confined indoors, my only advice is give them lots of love, spend time with them, and you will be surprised at the complex level of thought they are capable of, of the wonderful human being he/she is.

The reputation, the school has acquired and established over these years is due to the dedication and selfless commitment of teachers, supporting staff, students and the cooperation of parents With the support of the staff and families, our students explore, express and excel academically and creatively.

We are not yet through the Covid pandemic and we begin the proceedings not certain of how the academic year will continue. At this moment of time, on behalf of the management and staff, I wish to extend our prayerful support and heartfelt condolences to those among you who have lost their loved ones at home and away due to the Covid pandemic. May God always favour us and lead us by His light.

With the sentiment of gratitude to God for His abundant blessings, I entrust everyone to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus who accompanies, guides and protects us and our every move. I Pray that this period of uncertainty and anxiety may come to an end and we have the joy of welcoming our students back to regular classes. In the meantime, let us resign to the plan of God and continue learning.

All glory and honour ever to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

God Bless you all .

Sincerely yours,
Sr.Jesina SD

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