On October 26, 2014, sixteen students of our school started their exhilarating journey to NASA – USA, in secured presence of The Principal -Sr. Tesvin S.D. and Computer Science faculty-Mrs. Anju Grover.

It was the second trip to NASA, Florida organized by Inizio Edu Tech, Chd. Eleven day trip was organized in the month of October, 2014, for Sacred Heart Convent Sr. Sec. School, Jagadhri. The Memories of the first trip which was organised in the year Sep, 2011 motivated children for this promising journey.

Our students made for their journey, joyously by heading towards The Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. They boarded the plane and the course of journey lasted for 15/18 hours. Their joy doubled when they arrived at Newark International Airport on 27th October. Later that day they switched flight to reach Florida, by noon. In the evening they visited Wallmart.

The following day was marked with fun and frolic due to their visit to ‘Disney Land’ which presented forth the beautiful Castles, fairylands, Old Tree House. The Disney Parade and Halloween party added on to this thrilling experience. 29th and 30th October hold special significance as the students spent their time in NASA’s - The Kennedy Space Center. It started with a guided bus tour around the ‘Visitors Complex Apollo Saturn V Centre’. The spectacular Massive Vehicle Assembly Buildings, display of Crawler Transporter, NASA’s Launch Pads, and Rocket Garden helped them to understand the wonders of science. The commendable experience of Simulators, Rocket Launching, and a documentary featuring geologist - Kalpana Chawala, aspired the students to be an astronaut. Also, the students made a visit to the gallery, where the Shuttle parts used during the space missions were exhibited.

Adventure Island was seen on 31st October, 2014 and watched 9D show for The Spiderman, Harry Potter and witnessed live performance for ‘Sindabad – The sailor’ coupled with fun rides like the roller-coaster and water adventures. We had taken a flight on 1st October, 2014 to reach Buffalo, New York where the Co-ordinator of the trip led us to the beautiful landscapes of Niagara Falls. The students were pleased to the the tri-colour display on the Niagara Falls depicting the Indian Flag, commemorating the visit of our Prime-minister Sh. Narendra Modi.

The following day students visited Niagara again but to enjoy pleasure rides – The cruise. The scenic beauty was enrapturing as the falls were shrouded by widespread grasslands supporting beautiful herbage and flowers. In the evening we travelled by bus route to Boston. On 3rd October, 2014 in Boston; the students got a golden opportunity to visit Harvard University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts; where the young aspiring minds participated in Robotics and Science workshops getting hands-on experience by adopting the latest methods and technologies to learn new concepts practically.

The gallery showcased Apollo Lunar Module (LM-9), Angry Birds Space Encounter, Shuttle launch pads, Space Shuttle-Atlantis, Launch Control. Students got a golden opportunity to spend some time with the astronaut Sam Durrance, who had been for two space shuttle mission’s; STC – 35 and 67.

The following day we travelled to New York and on 5th October, 2014 the enthusiastic children visited The Empire State Building, Time Square, Display of huge Live Boards, Site of World Trade Centre. In Time square students got their sketches and pictures done by skilled artists and carried out shopping to buy souvenirs for their loved ones. They were greeted by their loving parents on arrival in school.

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